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Lido Lottery
Join the Lido Lottery - your chance to win over £200 every month.
£2.50 per ticket, per month, paid directly from your account.
Sign up quickly and easily via the secure online form HERE,
or pick up a registration form from Beccles Lido.
The prize fund is comprised of 50% of the ticket sales, with the remaining 50% going toward developing the lido.
The prize fund is split as follows:
First Prize 25% of subscriptions (400 tickets = £250)
Second Prize 15% of subscriptions (400 tickets = £150)
Third Prize 10% of subscriptions (400 tickets = £100)
Winners will be contacted within three days of the draw for payment to be arranged.
There is no limit to the total number of tickets in the draw and no limit on number of tickets that can be held by any one person.
All entrants must be over the age of 18.
Entrants are free to cancel at any time - just cancel your standing order via your bank.
The controls of the lottery and funds are the responsibility of the Beccles Lido Limited trustee committee and all decisions relating to any matters regarding the lottery or the fund shall be the responsibility of that committee.
Beccles Lido Lottery is registered by East Suffolk Council under the Gambling Act 2005, Schedule 11, Part 5.
Promoter: Shaun Crowley, 6 Cromwell Close, Beccles, NR34 9XE.
Please gamble responsibly.

Donate To Beccles Lido
Beccles Lido is run by a charity, and we rely on fundraising every year to maintain and improve the pool and our facilities. Luckily, we've been really well supported so far, but any contributions are really welcome.
You can donate any amount to us:
Via Paypal. You do not need to have a PayPal account, this can be taken from a debit/credit card, just click the 'Donate' button below.
In Cash. Drop your notes or coins into our collection bucket at the lido.
By Cheque. Drop off your cheque (made out to Beccles Lido Limited) at the lido, or post it to Beccles Lido, 6 Cromwell Close, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 6XE.
If you can, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration for your donation by clicking HERE. This allows us to collect an additional 25% on top of your donation amount from HMRC - at no cost to you!

Gift Aid
Did you know that by completing our short online Gift Aid Declaration form, we can claim an extra 25% from HMRC. This is on top of your donation amount, and with no extra cost to you!
If you are eligible, please complete the form on the link and give us an extra 25%.
Click here to complete the form

Leave A Review

As a charity, we rely on volunteers. Why not join us and help out!
We are always looking for volunteers to help us run our two main fundraisers every year - the Beccles Triathlon and Beccles Beer Festival.
To volunteer at Beccles Triathlon (every June), email
To volunteer at Beccles Beer Festival (every November), email
Our charity is run by a board of trustees, all of whom are volunteers.
If you have skills you think our board and charity could benefit from, please email

Legacy Donation
Do you love Beccles Lido?
Support us even when you're gone by leaving us a gift in your will.
It's tax free to give to a charity in your will, and it can even reduce the tax paid by your loved ones!
You can give a set amount or a percentage.
Legacy donations account for the largest proportion of donations to charities in the UK.
It is always best to include the charity's name and charity number in any will - Beccles Lido, 1132102.
For more information and advice on how to leave us a legacy donation in your will, follow the below links, or speak to your solicitor.